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SOC 315 - Karnehm Willis

A guide to choosing a topic for SOC 315 - Sociology in the Field

ASA Citation Format

The American Sociological Association (ASA) has its own citation format for papers in sociology.  

An excellent online resource from Purdue University:

Online resources from other sources:


Brief ASA Style Guides/Handouts:

The Official Style Guide from ASA (Ask at the Circulation Desk in the Library)

Citation Tips: ASA

  • As you're writing a paper, you will mention the work of various other authors you've used.  When you do this, write an in-text citationThe author's name and the year are sufficient, like this (Karnehm Willis 2011).
  • The end of your paper should contain references (a list of citations) for everything you've used in your paper.  This includes books, articles, websites, and even personal interviews.

Organize Your Research

Other Citation Formats